How Tall Do Snake Plants (Sansevieria) Get?

If you’re like most people, you probably think of snake plants (Sansevieria) as tall, spindly plants that grow in pots. But if you’ve ever tried to grow one, you know that’s not always the case. In fact, some varieties can grow up to four feet tall!

How Tall Do Snake Plants (Sansevieria) Get?

Why are they so tall?

It all has to do with how they grow their leaves. Snake plants typically grow their leaves from the base, where the stem meets the soil. This means that the plant is constantly growing and stretching its roots upward. As a result, snake plants can get very tall—no matter what size pot they’re in!

How Tall Do Snake Plants Get?

Snake plants, also known as Sansevieria, can reach a height of up to 12 feet tall. They are prized for their attractive columnar shapes and deep green leaves. Although snake plants can reproduce via offsets, they are more commonly propagated by division in early spring.

How to Grow a Snake Plant

Snake plants (Sansevieria) are popular houseplants because they grow relatively tall and can be kept relatively small. They range in height from 6 inches to 24 inches, but the average size is about 12 inches. You can Grow snake plants from a cutting or by rooting a stem taken from a healthy plant.

You will need:

  • A pot that is at least 18 inches wide and 12 inches deep
  • A soil mixture that is about one-third compost and two-thirds sand or gravel
  • Watering soil mix (enough to fill the pot halfway)
  • Sunscreen (for the plant)
  • Planting mix (or sphagnum moss if you want to keep your plant very moist)

How to Propagate a Snake Plant

Snake plants (Sansevieria) are generally between 12 and 24 inches tall, but can reach up to 36 inches in height. They grow best when given plenty of light and humidity, but will also do well in filtered sunlight or low light settings. If your snake plant is not reaching its full potential, you can try dividing it into two or more smaller plants.

What do Snake Plants Look Like?

Snake plants (Sansevieria) can get up to 12 feet tall, but typically are around 4-6 feet tall. They have thick, succulent leaves that are green or blue-green in color. The flowers are small and yellow or orange in color.

What to Do if Your Snake Plant is Dying

If you are noticing that your snake plant is not doing well, there are a few things you can do to help it. First, make sure the plant is getting enough light and water. If it isn’t getting enough light, the plant will start to grow slowly or not at all. Second, check for pests.

Some pests can damage plants, including aphids, whiteflies, and scale insects. If you find evidence of these pests on your snake plant, take the necessary steps to get rid of them. Third, make sure the soil is properly watered and amended with a balanced fertilizer regularity.

Lastly, keep an eye on the plant’s growth rate – if it is slowing down or stopping altogether, it may be time to give it a break and try again later.

How Tall Will My Snake Plant Get?

Snake plants (Sansevieria) are commonly available in house or garden stores and can grow to a height of 12-16 inches, but they can also get much taller if given the right conditions. In general, snake plants prefer partial sunlight and moist soil, so keep them well-watered during their growth phase.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are snake plants?

Snake plants, also known as Sansevierias, come in various colors and shapes. They are perennial succulents that grow up to 30 inches tall. Snake plants require little care but should be moistened with regular watering.

Where can I buy snake plants?

Some nurseries carry snake plants, while others may have them available online.

What are the benefits of snake plants?

Some benefits of snake plants include their ability to survive in low light conditions, their ability to grow in various soil types, and their attractive foliage.

Are there any dangers associated with snake plants?

There are no known dangers associated with snake plants.


If you want to add some drama and life to your garden, consider planting a snake plant. These plants can grow up to 6 feet tall, making them an ideal choice for larger gardens or yards. Snake plants thrive in dry conditions and need little water once established; simply mist them regularly with a spray bottle. If you have any questions about caring for a snake plant, reference our comprehensive guide on how to care for this type of plant. Thank you for reading!

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