How to Propagate Rubber Plant Like A Pro?

Whether a small business or a large corporation, you need rubber plants to produce your products. Rubber is a commodity in high demand and is essential for many different industries.

But cultivating rubber plants isn’t as easy as it may sound. If you want to propagate rubber plants like a pro, read for some tips. In this article, you will learn about the different types of rubber trees, how to care for them, and more.

By following these tips, you’ll be able to cultivate rubber plants like a pro!

How to Propagate a Rubber Plant

There are a few ways to propagate rubber plants, but rooting cuttings taken from healthy roots is the easiest and most common way. You can also take root cuts from the stem of a mature plant.

Plant the root cut immediately in water, ensuring it is kept moist until it begins to grow. Once the root has grown about 1 inch long, transfer it to soil and give it plenty of sunlight and water.

What Are The Different Types of Rubber Plants?

Rubber plants are a type of succulent that can grow quite large, reaching anywhere from 12-24 inches in height and width. They need both light and water to survive and make excellent houseplants. There are three rubber plants: African violets, cattleyas, and Mother-in-Laws tongue.

African violets are the most popular type of rubber plant, as they’re easy to care for and come in various colors (including pink!). You should fertilize them every month or so with good flowering plant food; otherwise, they require very little attention. 

Cattleyas are similar to African violets in care requirements, but they tend to be more difficult to grow because they require high humidity levels and plenty of light. They often have variegated leaves and can be very colorful, making them popular among collectors.

Mother-in-Laws tongue is a rubber plant native to Southeast Asia and parts of South America. It’s one of the most difficult rubber plants to grow due to its requirement for high humidity levels and lots of indirect sunlight (it doesn’t like bright light). However, it makes an excellent houseplant due to its large size (up to 18 inches tall) and soft texture.

How to Grow Rubber Plant

It is easy to propagate rubber plants, provided you know how. The process can be tedious, but it is well worth the effort. Here are five tips on how to propagate rubber plants:

1) Remove the plant from its pot and break off any brown roots that may still be attached. Cut away any damaged or dead foliage.

2) Gently mist the plant with water and place it in a warm, moist environment. Do not put the plant in direct sunlight at this point; rather, provide plenty of indirect light.

3) Propagate by rooting and cutting things taken from a healthy stem of the desired rubber tree species. Make cuts about 1 inch long and place the cutting in moist soil near the parent plant. Keep watering and misting until new growth begins to appear.

4) When new roots have grown from the cutting, transplant them into a larger container with fresh soil and continue propagating as described above for further growth of your rubber tree plantation.

How to Harvest Rubber Plant

If you are looking to propagate a rubber plant, there are a couple of ways to go about it. The first is to take a cutting from an existing rubber tree and root it in water.

Another option is to dig up a fresh root and plant it in the soil once the rubber plant has taken root, water, and fertilize as needed.

Tips for growing rubber plants

1. Begin by rooting a few rubber plants from cuttings or seeds.

2. If you are starting from cuttings, ensure the cutting is at least 2 inches long and 1/4 inch in diameter.

3. Place the cutting in water for 24 hours to soften the tissue and promote root growth.

4. Remove the cutting from the water and place it in a moistened medium such as perlite or vermiculite.

5. Keep the planting medium moist but not wet, and watch for new roots to form within 48 hours (cuttings will take up to two weeks to root).

6. When new roots have formed, carefully transplant the plant into a potting soil mixture that is slightly moistened but not wetted down.

7. Place the pot in a location that receives full sunlight, and mist the plant occasionally with room-temperature water to keep it damp but not soggy (watering should be limited during winter months).

8. Grown rubber plants can be propagated using stem cuttings taken at 1-inch length from healthy stems near the ground level (take care when cutting Rubber Plant Stems – Handle With Care!).

9. Cut off a piece of stem about 1 inch long, clean it of any dirt or attached leaves, and place it in a fresh rooting medium (perlite works well). Make sure there is good contact between the rooting media and stem so that proper growth can occur

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the steps for propagating rubber plants?

There are a few basic steps for propagating rubber plants: removing the old root ball, dividing the ball into two or more parts, replanting each piece in fresh soil, and watering well. Here’s a more detailed breakdown of each step:1) Remove the old root ball. You can do this by shaking the plant or using a digging tool to loosen and pull out the roots. Make sure to discard any dead roots and soil that come with them.
2) Divide the ball into two or more parts. For smaller plants, you can simply divide the root ball in half; for larger plants, cut it into thirds or fourths. Then replant each piece in fresh soil. Firm the planting surface and water well.
3) Fertilize your rubber plant regularly with a balanced fertilizer designed for houseplants. Apply every three to four weeks during active growth, then once a month during rest periods (or when new growth begins). Be sure to follow package directions carefully!5) Enjoy your newly propagated rubber plant!

How can I tell if my rubber plant is in bloom?

There are a few ways to tell if your rubber plant is in bloom: the leaves may become more brightly colored, the flowers may start to form, and the leaves may produce a sweet scent.

How do I prune my rubber plant?

You can prune your rubber plant by removing the dead or damaged branches with a sharp knife. Make sure to keep the overall shape of the tree intact!

How do I report my rubber plant?

When your rubber plant becomes overcrowded or shows signs of weakness, it’s time to report it. To report your rubber plant, remove the old soil and roots, then add fresh soil until the plant is fully covered. Make sure to water well after repotting.


This article on propagating rubber plants like a pro has been helpful. Getting your rubber plant off the ground can be tough, but with a little research and patience, you will be successful.

Be sure to water your plant regularly and fertilize it when necessary to grow into a sturdy tree. If you have any questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to contact us at the store or contact us online. We would love to help!

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